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pyGlobalPlatform Release - v1.1

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:53 am
by JavaCardOS
pyGlobalPlatform is a open source python globalplatform client library. It is depend on the GlobalPlatform project. Using this library, you can use all features of GlobalPlatform project use Python programming language.

● GlobalPlatform

Files used when building
● globalplatform.h
Header file of opensource globalplatform library.

● globalplatform.lib
The library file of opensource globalplatform library.

Files used when run
● globalplatform.dll
The dll of opensource globalplatform library.

● libeay32.dll/ssleay32.dll/zlib1.dll
Dlls globalplatform.dll used.

● GPPcScConnectionPlugin.dll
Dll globalplatform.dll used in runtime.

1. The dll files shall be in the BIN path when globalplatform.dll functions is called.



● Opensource project GlobalPlatform: The implementation of GlobalPlatform functions.
● pyGlobalPlatform-pyd: python->C convert.
● pyGlobalPlatform-py: Define python API prototype, constants.
● GlobalPlatform Client Applications: Implemention of some GP tools using python programming language.


● Windows
You can build the library use Visual Studio.

● Linux
Not supported now. Next version will implement.

1. Download the attachment file to get the source code and dll files.
2. View source code from Github and Sourceforge.