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pyResMan Release - v2.0

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 11:14 pm
by JavaCardOS
An open source smartcard tool to manage smartcard resource. It is based on pyResMan project and pyGlobalPlatform project.

● Python
● pyScard
● pyGlobalPlatform
● GlobalPlatform
● Compiler: pyInstaller


Code: Select all

pyinstaller -F -npyResMan --version-file version.txt -w pyResMan/

Run as python program

Code: Select all

python pyResMan/

User Interface
Basic APDU

GlobalPlatform: Content Manager

GlobalPlatform: Content Viewer

GlobalPlatform: Key Manager


Module Figure

○ Go to "Basic APDU" frame;
○ Input CLA, INS, P1, P2, LC, DATA and Le, press "Transmit" button to send APDU command;
○ The command and response data display in the followed list ctrl.

Load CAP file
Notice: Click "Mutual Authentication" button to establish secure channel first.
○ Go to "GlobalPlatform" frame;
○ The "Content Manager" sub frame;
○ Click "Browse" button to select the CAP file;
○ After the CAP file selected, CAP file information (Package and Applet information) will display in the followed tree ctrl;
○ Press "Load" button to load the CAP file to card;
○ Select one applet displayed in the tree ctrl, click "Install" to install applet.

View card content
Notice: Click "Mutual Authentication" button to establish secure channel first.
○ Go to "GlobalPlatform" frame;
○ The "Content Viewer" sub frame;
○ Click "Refresh" button to list card content;
○ You can select one applet and click "Install" button to install applet;
○ You can select one applet instance and click "Select" button to select applet;
○ You can select one applet instance/package and click "Delete" button to delete applet/package.

Key Manage
Notice: Click "Mutual Authentication" button to establish secure channel first.
○ Click "Get Key Template Information" button to get key template informations;
○ Add new key:
■Input value bytes of S-ENC/S-MAC/DEK key;
■Input Old KVN as "00" and input the New KVN;
■Click "Put Key" button to add new key.
○Replace exists key:
■Input value bytes of S-ENC/S-MAC/DEK key;
■Input Old KVN and New KVN;
■Click "Put Key" button to replace the key.
○Delete key:
■Select the key you want to delete in the "Key Template Information" tree ctrl;
■Click "Delete Key" button to delete the selected key;
○Set key bytes to default value:
■Click "Default" button.

APDU script
○ Go to "Script" frame;
○ Click "Browse" to select the APDU script file;
○ After the APDU script file selected, APDU commands in the script file will be listed in the list ctrl;
○ Click "Run Script" button to run the APDU script;
○ APDU command and response data displayed in the list ctrl.

● APDU Script editable
● GP compatible
● SW look up
● Display and parse ATR

1. Download the attachment to get pyResMan.exe.
2. View source code from GitHub and SourceForge.