I am trying to compile the Hello World program found here: https://javacardos.com/javacardforum/vi ... f=31&t=114. When I try to build it, I'm getting multiple errors all stemming from javacard.framework cannot be found. This is a fresh install of JCKit v7.1.0.0. This is installed on a Windows 10 machine.
Here's the errors that I'm getting:
Code: Select all
Start task:"C:/Program Files/JavaCardOS/JavaCardKit/SDK/Tools/JDK/bin/java.exe" -jar "C:/Program Files/JavaCardOS/JavaCardKit/SDK/Tools/JCIDE/builder/ECJ/ecj.jar" -g -deprecation -target 1.7 -source 1.7 -J-Duser.language=en -d "C:/Development/SmartCard/appletDemo/bin/Debug" -encoding windows-1252 C:/DEVELO~1/SMARTC~1/APPLET~1/src/APPLET~1/appletDemo.java
1. ERROR in C:\Development\SmartCard\appletDemo\src\appletDemo\appletDemo.java (at line 5)
import javacard.framework.*;
The import javacard cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in C:\Development\SmartCard\appletDemo\src\appletDemo\appletDemo.java (at line 13)
public class appletDemo extends Applet
Applet cannot be resolved to a type
3. ERROR in C:\Development\SmartCard\appletDemo\src\appletDemo\appletDemo.java (at line 24)
new appletDemo().register(bArray, (short) (bOffset + 1), bArray[bOffset]);
The method register(byte[], short, byte) is undefined for the type appletDemo
4. ERROR in C:\Development\SmartCard\appletDemo\src\appletDemo\appletDemo.java (at line 27)
public void process(APDU apdu)
APDU cannot be resolved to a type
5. ERROR in C:\Development\SmartCard\appletDemo\src\appletDemo\appletDemo.java (at line 30)
if (selectingApplet())
The method selectingApplet() is undefined for the type appletDemo
6. ERROR in C:\Development\SmartCard\appletDemo\src\appletDemo\appletDemo.java (at line 40)
ISO7816 cannot be resolved to a variable
7. ERROR in C:\Development\SmartCard\appletDemo\src\appletDemo\appletDemo.java (at line 42)
ISOException cannot be resolved
8. ERROR in C:\Development\SmartCard\appletDemo\src\appletDemo\appletDemo.java (at line 42)
ISO7816 cannot be resolved to a variable
9. ERROR in C:\Development\SmartCard\appletDemo\src\appletDemo\appletDemo.java (at line 45)
switch (buf[ISO7816.OFFSET_INS])
ISO7816 cannot be resolved to a variable
10. ERROR in C:\Development\SmartCard\appletDemo\src\appletDemo\appletDemo.java (at line 54)
Util.setShort(buf, (short)0, (short)0x5555);
Util cannot be resolved
11. ERROR in C:\Development\SmartCard\appletDemo\src\appletDemo\appletDemo.java (at line 60)
ISOException cannot be resolved
12. ERROR in C:\Development\SmartCard\appletDemo\src\appletDemo\appletDemo.java (at line 60)
ISO7816 cannot be resolved to a variable
13. ERROR in C:\Development\SmartCard\appletDemo\src\appletDemo\appletDemo.java (at line 65)
private void SendData(APDU apdu)
APDU cannot be resolved to a type
14. ERROR in C:\Development\SmartCard\appletDemo\src\appletDemo\appletDemo.java (at line 74)
Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(sendStr, (short)0, buffer, (short)0, (short)len);
Util cannot be resolved
14 problems (14 errors)
Task done