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Tag list, header list and extended header list

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Tag list, header list and extended header list

Post by mariodrzic » Wed Oct 28, 2015 5:39 am

i am trying to figure out usage of tag list, header list and extended header list?
I read ISO 7816-4 standard, but not able to work out from it how to use them?
I would appriciate if someone could explain what is intended usage of tag list and (extended) header list?
What is difference betwean header list and extended header list and where someone would use former and later?
If someone would be able to provide some links( i try googling it, but it seems i am not able to find any usable information on it, maybe i am missing something) to information about it.

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Re: Tag list, header list and extended header list

Post by UNKNwYSHSA » Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:41 am

1 tag list: 5C - L - (Tag1 - Tag2 - Tag3 - ...)
2 header list: 5D - L - (Tag1-Len1 -- Tag2 - Len2 -- Tag3 - Len3 - ...)
3 extended header list: same as header list, but the build of byte string is not the same. Look the specification for more details.
The example of extended header list is:
Primitive T1 + '00' + Primitive T2 + '00' + Primitive T3 + L=5
Length of Primitive T1 is 00, so complete data object is included in the byte string;
Length of Primitive T2 is 00, so complete data object is included in the byte string too;
Length of Primitive T3 is 5, so byte string only include first 5 bytes of the data object.
So the byte string is: value1 + value2 + value3[first 5 bytes]
sense and simplicity

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Re: Tag list, header list and extended header list

Post by mariodrzic » Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:27 am

Could someone provide an ilustrative example of using tag list, header list and extended header list with GET DATA command.

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