Our Online Store have the new products: RFID antenna board. Currently it can work with JC10M24R and JCOP4 card chips.
Compared with normal cards, the antenna board module has a smaller size and fixed holes, which is easy to integrate in the IOT(Internet Of Things) project.

J3H145 with SCP03

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J3H145 with SCP03

Post by Squli » Sat Jan 19, 2019 5:21 am

I wonder if J3H145 card support SCP03? I have already have the sample, but now it supports SCP02.
Is there any method to switch to SCP03.

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Re: J3H145 with SCP03

Post by mabel » Mon Jan 21, 2019 9:09 pm

I have already asked this question several days ago.
I heard that javacardos team is working on this. They are developing a tool that can make java card J3H145 switch to SCP03.
Maybe you can ask javacardos@gmail.com for the progress.

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Re: J3H145 with SCP03

Post by mbsysde99 » Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:30 pm

mabel wrote:
Mon Jan 21, 2019 9:09 pm
I have already asked this question several days ago.
I heard that javacardos team is working on this. They are developing a tool that can make java card J3H145 switch to SCP03.
Maybe you can ask javacardos@gmail.com for the progress.
How to use applets with SCP 03?


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