1. Select DF
2. Send a command to read sequence of records[/list]
Code: Select all
00 B2 00 06 16 73 0A 51 02 40 01 54 04 00 10 00 04 73 08 51 02 40 02 54 02 00 01 00
The meaning of the command is as bellow:
- INS = 'B2': read record(s)
- P1 = '00': references the current record (ISO 7814-4, 7.3.3, table 48)
- P2 = '06' = '00000 110' :
'0000' indicate current short EF id (ISO 7814-4, 7.3.2, table 47)
'110' mean read all records from the last up to P1 (ISO 7814-4, 7.3.3, table 49)
- Le = 16 : data length
Data field follow the BER-TLV, for example:73 0A 51 02 40 01 54 04 00 10 00 04
Tag'73' indicate that sequence of bytes above consist hierarchy data object structure in data filed (length = '0A')
Tag'51' reference to 2-byte EF identifier = '40 01'
Tag'54' reference to one or more record identifiers, in this case are '00 10' and '00 04'
- Le = '00'
This is expect respond from card:
53 |length of data| record data| 53| length of data| record data|......
I test this command with the card, the card return 'Unknown Error' message.
Could you tell me what is wrong with the command? What is correct multi-records reading command?