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Develop my own software to install cap file


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Develop my own software to install cap file

Post by mereal » Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:08 am


I have developed my own java applet and tested it on my javacard. Everything is working as expected. I have successfully installed the applet on my javacard with JCIDE or Eclipse and pyApdutools.
I'd like to develop my own software (Windows or Android) to deploy the applet into a java card with a nice GUI through a contact or contactless reader (or through an Android NFC Phone). My Windows software is able to retrieve from the java card the applet version and is also able to detect if a new applet version is available. Unfortunately, I don't find any sources (C, C#,, Android java /Kotlin) to install the applet into the javacard. I'm missing the installation part (set-key, init-update, ext-aut).
Do you have any useful ressources about this?


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Re: Develop my own software to install cap file

Post by kuafu » Mon Nov 26, 2018 4:45 am

Try this . It's an open source tool.

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Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2018 11:06 am
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Re: Develop my own software to install cap file

Post by mereal » Tue Nov 27, 2018 4:42 am

thanks, I'll give a try.

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