Exception Response Encoding

Following is the encoding when an API defined exception is thrown by the remote method. It may be returned during any remote method invocation. The reason item is the Java Card platform exception reason code, or 0 for a java.lang, java.rmi or java.io exceptions:

Following are the values for the exception_type item:

java.lang.Throwable = 0x00

java.lang.ArithmeticException = 0x01

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException = 0x02

java.lang.ArrayStoreException = 0x03

java.lang.ClassCastException = 0x04

java.lang.Exception = 0x05

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException = 0x06

java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException = 0x07

java.lang.NullPointerException = 0x08

java.lang.RuntimeException = 0x09

java.lang.SecurityException = 0x0A

java.io.IOException = 0x0B

java.rmi.RemoteException = 0x0C

javacard.framework.APDUException = 0x20

javacard.framework.CardException = 0x21

javacard.framework.CardRuntimeException = 0x22

javacard.framework.ISOException = 0x23

javacard.framework.PINException = 0x24

javacard.framework.SystemException = 0x25

javacard.framework.TransactionException = 0x26

javacard.framework.UserException = 0x27

javacard.security.CryptoException = 0x30

javacard.framework.service.ServiceException = 0x40

javacardx.biometry.BioException = 0x50

javacardx.external.ExternalException = 0x60

javacardx.framework.tlv.TLVException = 0x70

javacardx.framework.util.UtilException = 0x80

Following is the encoding when a user defined exception is thrown by the remote method. The exception_type item represents the closest API defined exception type. It may be returned during any remote method invocation. The reason item is the Java Card platform exception reason code, or 0 for the subclasses of java.lang, java.rmi or java.io exceptions: