**javacardx.biometry** ====Class BioBuilder ==== *[[javacard:java-card-api:object|java.lang.Object]] \\ ---- public final class **BioBuilder**extends [[javacard:java-card-api:Object|Object]] Builds an empty/blank biometric reference template. **Since:** 2.2.2 ---- ^ Field Summary ^^ | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#BODY_ODOR|BODY_ODOR]] **          Body Odor. | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#DEFAULT_INITPARAM|DEFAULT_INITPARAM]] **          The default value of the provider specific initialization information, initParam parameter in the buildBioTemplate() method. | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#DNA_SCAN|DNA_SCAN]] **          Pattern is a DNA sample for matching. | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#EAR_GEOMETRY|EAR_GEOMETRY]] **          Ear geometry ID is based on overall geometry/shape of the ear. | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#FACIAL_FEATURE|FACIAL_FEATURE]] **          Facial feature recognition (visage). | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#FINGER_GEOMETRY|FINGER_GEOMETRY]] **          Finger geometry ID is based on overall geometry/shape of a finger. | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#FINGERPRINT|FINGERPRINT]] **          Fingerprint identification (any finger). | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#GAIT_STYLE|GAIT_STYLE]] **          Gait (behavioral). | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#HAND_GEOMETRY|HAND_GEOMETRY]] **          Hand geometry ID is based on overall geometry/shape of the hand. | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#IRIS_SCAN|IRIS_SCAN]] **          Pattern is a scan of the eye's iris. | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#KEYSTROKES|KEYSTROKES]] **          Keystrokes dynamics (behavioral). | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#LIP_MOVEMENT|LIP_MOVEMENT]] **          Lip movement (behavioral). | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#PALM_GEOMETRY|PALM_GEOMETRY]] **          Palm geometry ID is based on overall geometry/shape of a palm. | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#PASSWORD|PASSWORD]] **          General password (a PIN is a special case of the password). | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#RETINA_SCAN|RETINA_SCAN]] **          Pattern is an infrared scan of the blood vessels of the retina of the eye. | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#SIGNATURE|SIGNATURE]] **          Written signature dynamics ID (behavioral). | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#THERMAL_FACE|THERMAL_FACE]] **          Thermal Face Image. | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#THERMAL_HAND|THERMAL_HAND]] **          Thermal Hand Image. | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#VEIN_PATTERN|VEIN_PATTERN]] **          Pattern is an infrared scan of the vein pattern in a face, wrist, or,hand. | | **static byte** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#VOICE_PRINT|VOICE_PRINT]] **          Pattern is a voice sample (specific or unspecified speech). |   ^ Method Summary ^^ | **static [[javacard:java-card-api:OwnerBioTemplate|OwnerBioTemplate]] ** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#buildBioTemplate(byte, byte)|buildBioTemplate]] **(byte bioType,byte tryLimit)          Creates an empty/blank biometric reference template instance of the default biometric provider with default initialization parameter. | | **static [[javacard:java-card-api:OwnerBioTemplate|OwnerBioTemplate]] ** | **[[javacard:java-card-api:BioBuilder#buildBioTemplate(byte, byte, byte[], byte)|buildBioTemplate]] **(byte bioType,byte tryLimit,byte[] RID,byte initParam)          Creates an empty/blank biometric reference template. |   ^ Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object ^ | [[javacard:java-card-api:Object#equals(java.lang.Object)|equals]] |   ^ Field Detail ^ === FACIAL_FEATURE === public static final byte **FACIAL_FEATURE** Facial feature recognition (visage). **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.FACIAL_FEATURE|Constant Field Values]] ---- === VOICE_PRINT === public static final byte **VOICE_PRINT** Pattern is a voice sample (specific or unspecified speech). **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.VOICE_PRINT|Constant Field Values]] ---- === FINGERPRINT === public static final byte **FINGERPRINT** Fingerprint identification (any finger). **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.FINGERPRINT|Constant Field Values]] ---- === IRIS_SCAN === public static final byte **IRIS_SCAN** Pattern is a scan of the eye's iris. **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.IRIS_SCAN|Constant Field Values]] ---- === RETINA_SCAN === public static final byte **RETINA_SCAN** Pattern is an infrared scan of the blood vessels of the retina of the eye. **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.RETINA_SCAN|Constant Field Values]] ---- === HAND_GEOMETRY === public static final byte **HAND_GEOMETRY** Hand geometry ID is based on overall geometry/shape of the hand. **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.HAND_GEOMETRY|Constant Field Values]] ---- === SIGNATURE === public static final byte **SIGNATURE** Written signature dynamics ID (behavioral). **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.SIGNATURE|Constant Field Values]] ---- === KEYSTROKES === public static final byte **KEYSTROKES** Keystrokes dynamics (behavioral). **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.KEYSTROKES|Constant Field Values]] ---- === LIP_MOVEMENT === public static final byte **LIP_MOVEMENT** Lip movement (behavioral). **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.LIP_MOVEMENT|Constant Field Values]] ---- === THERMAL_FACE === public static final byte **THERMAL_FACE** Thermal Face Image. **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.THERMAL_FACE|Constant Field Values]] ---- === THERMAL_HAND === public static final byte **THERMAL_HAND** Thermal Hand Image. **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.THERMAL_HAND|Constant Field Values]] ---- === GAIT_STYLE === public static final byte **GAIT_STYLE** Gait (behavioral). **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.GAIT_STYLE|Constant Field Values]] ---- === BODY_ODOR === public static final byte **BODY_ODOR** Body Odor. **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.BODY_ODOR|Constant Field Values]] ---- === DNA_SCAN === public static final byte **DNA_SCAN** Pattern is a DNA sample for matching. **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.DNA_SCAN|Constant Field Values]] ---- === EAR_GEOMETRY === public static final byte **EAR_GEOMETRY** Ear geometry ID is based on overall geometry/shape of the ear. **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.EAR_GEOMETRY|Constant Field Values]] ---- === FINGER_GEOMETRY === public static final byte **FINGER_GEOMETRY** Finger geometry ID is based on overall geometry/shape of a finger. **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.FINGER_GEOMETRY|Constant Field Values]] ---- === PALM_GEOMETRY === public static final byte **PALM_GEOMETRY** Palm geometry ID is based on overall geometry/shape of a palm. **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.PALM_GEOMETRY|Constant Field Values]] ---- === VEIN_PATTERN === public static final byte **VEIN_PATTERN** Pattern is an infrared scan of the vein pattern in a face, wrist, or, hand. **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.VEIN_PATTERN|Constant Field Values]] ---- === PASSWORD === public static final byte **PASSWORD** General password (a PIN is a special case of the password). Note that this is not a biometric, but is nevertheless a pattern that must be matched for security purposes, and since it is frequently combined with biometrics for security, we provide a code here to assist with that combination. **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.PASSWORD|Constant Field Values]] ---- === DEFAULT_INITPARAM === public static final byte **DEFAULT_INITPARAM** The default value of the provider specific initialization information, initParam parameter in the buildBioTemplate() method. **See Also:**[[javacard:java-card-api:constant-values#javacardx.biometry.BioBuilder.DEFAULT_INITPARAM|Constant Field Values]] ^ Method Detail ^ === buildBioTemplate === public static [[javacard:java-card-api:OwnerBioTemplate|OwnerBioTemplate]] **buildBioTemplate**(byte bioType, byte tryLimit) throws [[javacard:java-card-api:BioException|BioException]] Creates an empty/blank biometric reference template instance of the default biometric provider with default initialization parameter. **Parameters:**bioType - the type of the template to be generated. Valid codes are listed in the biometric pattern type constants. tryLimit - maximum unsuccessful matches before template is blocked. tryLimit must be at least 1. **Returns:**the OwnerBioTemplate object instance of the requested bioType and tryLimit access. **Throws:** [[javacard:java-card-api:BioException|BioException]] - with the following reason codes: \\ *BioException.ILLEGAL_VALUE if tryLimit parameter is less than 1. \\ *BioException.NO_SUCH_BIO_TEMPLATE if the requested template associatedwith the specified bioType is not supported. \\ ---- === buildBioTemplate === public static [[javacard:java-card-api:OwnerBioTemplate|OwnerBioTemplate]] **buildBioTemplate**(byte bioType, byte tryLimit, byte[] RID, byte initParam) throws [[javacard:java-card-api:BioException|BioException]] Creates an empty/blank biometric reference template. This method takes in a provider identifier (RID) and an initialization parameter which should be passed to the constructor of the appropriate OwnerBioTemplate implementation. **Parameters:**bioType - the type of the template to be generated. Valid codes are listed in the biometric pattern type constants. tryLimit - maximum unsuccessful matches before template is blocked. tryLimit must be at least 1. RID - the RID of the provider of OwnerBioTemplate implementation. null value means default provider initParam - the provider specific initialization information for the OwnerBioTemplate instance. DEFAULT_INITPARAM is default value. **Returns:**the OwnerBioTemplate object instance of the requested bioType and tryLimit access. **Throws:** [[javacard:java-card-api:BioException|BioException]] - with the following reason codes: \\ *BioException.ILLEGAL_VALUE if tryLimit parameter is less than 1. \\ *BioException.NO_SUCH_BIO_TEMPLATE if the requested template associatedwith the specified bioType is not supported. \\