Our Online Store have the new products: RFID antenna board. Currently it can work with JC10M24R and JCOP4 card chips.
Compared with normal cards, the antenna board module has a smaller size and fixed holes, which is easy to integrate in the IOT(Internet Of Things) project.

Skimming and intercepting smart card APDUs


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Skimming and intercepting smart card APDUs

Post by tay00000 » Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:35 am

The latest articles shows how insecure most APDUs are which can be easily skimmed via cheap card skimmers easily available on black markets.

The reason I have been banging hard on using Secure Channel Protocols (GP SCP03 or my A02 protocol) is to prevent skimming from happening in the first place.

Have fun reading the article below and start considering to use at least GP SCP03 or my A02 protocol.

If in doubts, either PM me or post a topic and I will get to you whenever I am available.

Link: http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/canada/british-columbia/shimmers-criminal-chip-card-reader-fraud-1.3953438

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